The Amrut Foundation Works With Local Stakeholders in Eastern Cape In Farmer Training and Commercial Forestry Projects

The Amrut Foundation and RSA ICT Consulting joined hands with Umsonti and Kwamahlati Training Services (KTS) in developing and implementing a training program for farmers from the villages of Moreneng, eJojweni and Batlokoa that form part of the Chevy Chase Community, situated in the Elundini Local Municipality, Umtata, Eastern Cape.

Amrut worked with partner organisations to provide training in the best methods of selecting and planting seedlings, and the appropriate use of fertilizer and pesticides for the best crop yield, according to local conditions. Community members who participated in the intensive training program were equipped with appropriate PPE alongside their training in sustainable farming methods. At the conclusion of the training program, trainees were presented with certificates and the promise of a sustained relationship in harvesting good yields and implementing ideas on getting local produce to the marketplace.

In a complimentary effort, seedlings were planted across 0.75 hectares of land as part of a commercial forestry trial project. Involving all aforementioned partner organisations, this trial project known now as the Amrut Foundation Forestry Trial, was conducted with the support of the Chevy Chase Community, Batlokoa Traditional Council and Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR).

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