Amrut Joins Realistic Child and Youth Care Centre in Bringing Fun and Learning to Facility

Modern experts in the field of education and psychology have explained that the neglect of play and learning through physical activity has limited the overall development of young minds, since the formalisation of the education system, post Industrial Revolution.

In helping to address this historical oversight, the Amrut Foundation acquired, repaired and installed a mega jungle gym and play facility at Realistic Children and Youth Care Centre in Athlone, Cape Town. Besides installing the jungle gym facility and upgrading the site infrastructure such as the paving and walkways, Amrut also installed vegetable patches and a drip irrigation system within the complex.

Amrut hopes that the children and youth at Realistic are able to learn whilst being outdoors and relish the experience of growing one’s own food. Amrut and the management of Realistic have also discussed further partnerships for the near future.

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